Gabriela Heleia is a “Living Statue” (Golem) I RP with on the group MonsterAcademy on deviantArt. I Seriously think I’ve developed her nicely in a rather short period of time, but i didn’t know so at first. Feeling Anxious for some reason, I got asked about her to try and distract my mind. Here is what came out of that.

*Is there any reason she likes to hide her true form?
Yes, Her creator was a Witch. Due to this, Gabby was never let outside due to being a golem.
As Gabby learned things from her creator, her personality developed into some sort of “Obedient Kid” kind of deal. Compliant and serviceable to keep her creator happy.
If something wrong happens, she thinks it might be her fault due to still not knowing much about being “alive” or how to treat others.
*Aaaah. So she is self-concious about her golem form?
the first important event on her backstory is that her creator is found out to be a witch and persecuted. They go to their house and attack her due to being a “Monster”.
They drag her creator away as others work around throwing her into a well. This is probably the primarily reason why she is Hydrophobic by the way.
Not being able to drown or swim, She is left sinking and presumed “taken care of”. She eventually works around climbing back only to find the house burned down.
Due to being a “Monster” she lefts in the middle of the night to a forest nearby. Instead of blaming the humans, She blames herself for being a “Monster”.
When she receives the invitation to join the Academy, the Headmistress convinces her to stay due to the glamor ring that “allows her not to be a monster”
*Aaaah. So she has a habit of internalizing actions upon herself! Interesting! Does this persist to this day?
Yeah, it persists but to a lesser extent.
She will immediately apologize if she feels she is offending someone and will try to be helpful and serviceable to them so that she can be accepted.
*Awww D: Poor baby. Do people take advantage of her a lot?
Well, not yet that I’ve seen (While RPing on chatroom). It hasn’t, but can totally happen. She feels rather comfortable around Celestina, so I’m pretty sure she would chop people off if somebody attempted that XD
For the moment being, She has met characters like Rowan and Kuro who are kind, as well as characters like Celestina and Erich that would protect her.
As a Human, she had to learn how to eat with silverware and to go get some sleep when feeling tired for example XD
She is also learning the Do’s and Dont’s of being human, so she would rather stick to friends like Celestina.
At the very least she has more common sense in human form, realizing she has to act when feeling uncomfortable
*Is it because she associates ‘monster’ with her golem form that she won’t act when feeling uncomfortable? Like, she doesn’t think she deserves to feel comfortable as a ‘monster?’
Well, she associates her golem form with being a ‘monster’ so She would rather keep the glamor on (This is also why she refers to her monster form as ‘original form’ or ‘real form’ ), but the reason why she is less reactive unless in human form is rather because humans have senses and stronger feelings than a living rock.
*Does she associates who she is with how she looks? Does she ever have any thoughts about still being a ‘monster’ while wearing the glamour?
Yeah, Thinks people will not like her if she stays in Golem form. To some extent she knows she is masquerading behind the glamour, that’s why she focuses extra time into learning how to be human, So that she can pass as one easily.
bringing that topic of “You are still a monster” to her makes her feel rather uncomfortable.
*That is very interesting! 😀 I like that.
Does she see others in their non-glamour form as monsters?
That’s actually an interesting thing about her. She dislikes the term ‘monster’ and understand that some of them have motives, like her, for being in human form. She won’t question why they use their glamour, but won’t dislike their real forms. She is very Accepting of their ‘monster’ forms because, at the end of the day, what she wants is to one day be accepted in her monster form. Even if she does not know or realize this.
<Unknown-Variable>Gabby’s a really good character. I like her. ^^
<Balisk>I like her too
Aww, you guys. I’m glad she is liked ;w;
*Does she read a lot? idk, but for some reason I pictured her reading :0
Her original Glamour was going to be glasses because Girls with glasses are pretty and some look cute with them XD
I went for the ring because it was both easier and had this idea in mind
She will indeed visit the library more from time to time. Specially when magic class begins. For now, she visits the courtyard and forest out of habit of being outside more than anything else.
*Man, she’s such a cutie. I like her a looot. What does she like doing outside? Just wandering around?
When she was still home with her creator, She liked painting. She is absolutely terrible at it, because she likes painting walls and furniture instead of limiting herself to paper and such. It can be said that she did small child scribbles everywhere at that time as her hobby.
<Unknown-Variable>Haha xD Way to go, Gabby!
In the academy she likes to wander around outside, Just rest while watching the clouds/star-gazing (in either form), as well as walking in or near the forest (specially in golem form). Just like with Ophelia (An Earth nymph of another deviant), she feels ‘something’ when close to them in Golem form. It’s just the connection between the stone she is composed of and the nature-spirit/being in the forest so it’s nothing important.
*I like the affinity for nature aspect of her. Does she feel out of place in big cities or when she’s inside?
the affinity only shows up when there’s a spirit/being linked to nature. She doesn’t feel anything at all on big cities or on Forests devoid of such beings. If a Nymph goes to a big city she would most likely sense and initially try to get closer to the source.
Later on in the chat
<Balisk>Celestina: *Sings her own j-pop and k-pop deep within the forest*
Her creator hummed a lot when practicing spells/Potions so Gabby would make the connection quickly. Gabriela would most likely enjoy or be amazed by Celestina’s singing, finding it better.
with all this pieces of info I might be able to develop her creator as a full character sometime soon XD
*Are there any skills of her own that Gabriela is proud of?
Gabriela is an excellent listener. She is also pretty good at catching/Grabbing/Holding things. Sometimes the spells on her house would backfire and send books flying and cause a mess, so she learned to catch quickly moving objects XD
*Does she herself find those praiseworthy?
Useful at the most, but Other than that, she says she doesn’t have any interesting skills.
<Unknown-Variable>Awww. D: Bby, you are interesting and adorable and and asdjkgnrg
<Balisk>Gabby is a work of art
<Unknown-Variable>Haha. Living sculpture. Literally, a work of art *shotdead*
XD I do imagine her capable of learning hit/Rhythmical instruments or being good at getting the hang of a musical rhythm.
*Oh. Tympani would be bad ass for her! or a STEEL DRUM!
Steel Drum is an interesting instrument for Gabby. percussions and rhythmical instruments are what i envision her to use. Mostly because she punches hard so… Strength = Percussion. Headcanon accepted XD
*XD a ‘strong’ percussive instrument would the bass drum. That really big one. That and tympani. Tympanis are just impressive, imo
XD it would be funy to see her with a bass drum
While Carrying it would be a bit problematic, turn to Golem form and she can carry it with one arm… she would find a way to break it anyway with the first hit though.
*Is gab… lesbian?
Lol, I dont know… Is she passing as swinging that way when I RP her?
As small trivial facts, Gabby has an easier time opening up to women due to her creator being female.
She also admires Celestina due to her being strong willed and always willing to fight back. She is also her true first friend.
<Spichinka>I think Gabby, being a golem and not surrounded by heaps of human things, wouldn’t find gender as a barrier.
That actually makes a lot of sense.. I would have to RP more to see how she develops. (And to see if others want to pair up with her too)

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